7 Ways To Remove Termites In Your Home
September 27, 2019![Termite control Singapore](https://www.pest-control.com.sg/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/6-mistakes-to-avoid-when-hiring-termite-control-company.jpg)
6 Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring Termite Control Service
September 27, 20197 Ways To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes
The problem of mosquitoes in Singapore is quite bad, in fact deadly. That’s because a certain breed of mosquito thrives during the dry spell, mostly between the month of February and May. Experts now say that such mosquitoes thrive at night, when they know that most people are asleep and they can bite peacefully.
It’s during these months that doctors in Singapore report high number of patients suffering from fever after being bitten by the deadly mosquitoes. In fact the problem is so serious that one has to be admitted to receive treatment under specialized attention. But that doesn’t make Singapore the worst place to live or visit during the months of February and May. It only means that it’s a challenge that must be tackled for people to stay safe.
If you live in Singapore now, you know what we mean when we talk of these deadly little creatures that bite mercilessly. The good news is that they can always be combated and put at bay.
Here are 7 ways to get rid of stubborn mosquitoes:
1 Tip all containers
These flying insects only need a 6-inch diameter container with 1/2 inch water to bread. It takes them 7-10 days for them to turn into adult mosquitoes which bite.
Your first step of eradicating them would be to tip all containers which are likely to hold water for the insects to breed.
2 Get rid of unnecessary items in your backyard
If your backyard is full of old items you no longer use, find a way of getting rid of them. For example, old tires can serve as mosquito breeding and hiding ground. Free your gutter of any blockage to allow water to run so that they remain dry always. Remember that mosquitoes love organic materials and stagnant water.
3 Treat your yard
A gallon of insect repellent will cost less than $30. Spray the solution on the grass, shrubs and the landscape in general. This creates a barrier in which the insects can’t cross.
Some of these products are made from oils, and they are safe enough not to harm children and pets yet they repel the insects. They are effective for at least 2 weeks. So you should re-spray once again after this period elapses.
4 Get rid of nearby bushes
During the day, mosquitoes hide in the bushes. They only come out at night to feed on blood. But you can make it difficult for them by making sure you’ve destroyed all the ideal habitats they use to hide.
If there are tall bushes in your yard, cut them short. Trim grass too so that they don’t find a place to hide. It might just be the solution you need to permanently destroy their habitat.
5 Portable mosquito traps and systems
It’s the less expensive option available and it’s effective as well. These are traps that work on batteries, magnets and propane. A unit will cover about an acre of land. The traps are supposed to operate for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It can take up to 10 days for one to see a significant difference.
6 Use traditional methods such as planting lemongrass
Did you know that Citronella candles use lemongrass as an active ingredient? If that’s the case, then you may have to plant a few of them in your garden to enjoy their repellent benefits.
But you also need to realize that it’s the oil inside the plant that repels mosquitoes. So you basically need to infuse the plant into alcohol and them rub and sprinkle the solution to outdoor spaces. That’s the best way to get rid of these insects in the most natural way.
7 Find a professional to do it for you
Sometimes it’s always best to find professionals to do the job for you. Getting rid of mosquitoes can be a daunting task if you’re not prepared for the task. Of course there are simple methods of staying away from these insects, such as protecting yourself under mosquito nets at night or even applying mosquito repellent creams on your skin.
These are effective too, but we’re talking about getting rid of the insects. If you keep them at bay, you won’t need all the items mentioned above. You won’t need mosquito nets at night. Better still, you won’t have to invest in mosquito repellent products.