The Zika virus is a condition caused by the Zika virus which is fundamentally spread to animals and also humans through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. It can also be sexually transmitted. Contaminated blood transfusions may also cause Zika. Other types of mosquito may also be able to transmit this disease as it travels around the globe. They may create a stronger version of this virus. Stopping a pandemic will require a strict illness reporting to the CDC and other international disease control centers.
Aedes mosquito is common in Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Hawaii. The mosquitoes have been known to fly north during summer into Washington, D.C. The Florida Everglades and the swamps of south Louisiana will be problem areas for infection. Rice farming lands may create ideal Zika breeding grounds. Other areas in America include any land near or below sea level in humid areas
Right now a lot of people are worried they might get bitten. Because the only cure at the moment for contracting this virus and getting the fever symptoms is–,rest.
The symptoms themselves are not terribly dangerous for most of us. Even if you get it, you may not even be aware that you have the virus. It causes only a mild fever which is gone in a few days. But if you are in the early stages of pregnancy, there is every reason to be greatly concerned.
The two factors leading to rapid spreading of the Zika virus include high humidity and high temperatures. This creates a zone or habitat for the mosquito to easily spread the disease. Spraying to control mosquito population may reduce the number of infections. Reducing and containing mosquito habitat includes eliminating standing water, trash and garage disposal, keeping drains clean in public areas, and using screens on windows and doors.
Open drainage systems along roads and sidewalks are important breeding ground for mosquitos. Marinas along freshwater lakes often have coves with stagnant water which breed mosquitos. Manmade lakes stocked with trout could become fertile ground. Water fountains which are turned off are another host site for mosquito breeding. Goldfish ponds host mosquito breeding for the Zika virus.
This virus has been around since 1947. This virus has symptoms and signs similar to those of several viruses. It may very well have been a problem for at least a decade due to the ability of the medical community to misdiagnose this virus as another disease. Zika was declared an international emergency by the World Health Organization in 2016 and the infection is reported in 33 countries.
The disease is commonly mistaken for dengue fever, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever, Chikungunya, Japanese encephalitis, and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. Infected mosquito transmits These diseases.
The Zika Virus has been seen to cause symptoms in pregnant women who are associated with intrauterine growth restriction which can include abnormal brain development in the developing fetus through mother-to-child-transmission. This may result in a miscarriage.
Also it may become microcephaly where the baby’s head is smaller than normal, due to abnormal brain development. Again, there is no cure for this. No pill you can take. No shot you can get. No vaccine yet to prevent contracting the symptoms.
So far, the only suggestion from the health community is that if you are pregnant or considering becoming pregnant, you should avoid going to places where the mosquitoes are. That’s not terribly helpful, is it? Especially if you live in Florida, which has already experienced the presence of these nasty creatures. You are not going to want to move to Alaska, right?
Okay. So what reasonable precaution can you take? Here is a better suggestion than avoiding the mosquitoes. Get the mosquitoes to avoid you. That’s right. This is perfectly possible, and I can’t imagine why all the doctors and clinics are not getting out the word and suggesting it. There is a natural remedy in a simple homeopathic solution made up of pure water and three essential oils. Not harmful to pregnant women or young children.
Presently no vaccines or prescriptions at the current time. Anti-viral drugs have not been located which treat this disease. Herbal medicine may be an option, along with retroviral drugs for those severely infected. The disease may be treated with increasing fluid consumption, bed rest, and analgesics. Acetaminophen may be used to treat fever and relieve other symptoms. Aspirin should not be used.
Considering the way that there exists no vaccine or treatment for the Zika virus, the best way to shield oneself from the virus is through taking protection measures. First off, you can stop from setting out to ranges with a dynamic infestation. Also, you ought to evade mosquito chomps by dozing under a mosquito net. Thirdly, make it a propensity for wearing since quite a while ago sleeved shirts and additionally long jeans that are adequately thick to keep a mosquito chomp. Fourthly, guarantee that you rest in lodgings with screened windows and cooled rooms. If you are now tainted with the virus, an ideal approach to keep people around you frees through taking measures not to be chomped by a mosquito.
Endeavors to make a Zika vaccine have become the dominant focal point of specialists giving it their best shot to guarantee that the Zika virus is a relic of past times. In any case, until there is a leap forward, it is vital for individuals to execute customary mosquito control systems, for example, discharging standing water which is a ripe mosquito reproducing ground, resting under nets and also splashing pesticides.
Medications and meds utilized for comparative viruses might be viable for contaminated gatherings. A blend of medications may demonstrate the triumphant mix after more clinical exploration. There could be experimentation with existing vaccines for comparable sicknesses, for example, Yellow Fever.
Zika is determined to have blood tests. Virological PCR tests are utilized for the early determination of Zika amid the initial 3-5 days of contamination. Serological tests indicative testing uncovers the nearness of antibodies following five days. Tests are not moderate the world over.