Why do Some Cockroaches Fly? Several cockroach species have the ability to fly. However, only a few among those can fly because they are bad fliers. The popular belief that all cockroaches can fly is not true. Although most cockroaches have wings, most of them cannot fly. The main reason behind this is that they are better at crawling than running.
Around 3500 species of the 4500 species of cockroaches have wings and can fly. However, the ability to fly depends on the sexual category and the species. For example in some species, the male has wings but the females do not have.
Some cockroach species can fly; however, it is not possible to support their bodies in the air for long periods of time. Therefore, they opt to fly for short periods of time. Some species are so poor at flying that they can only glide from one point to the other.
The front wings are protective and thick and have the same color as that of the cockroach. When they are not in use the front wings lie folded at the back of the cockroach.
When flying, roaches lift the front wings and use the back pair to move through the air. The back pair of wings that are normally used for flying are thin, clear, and membranous. This is quite different from the front pair of wings.
Most wood roaches are seasonal pests that prefer living outdoors but enter the houses and homes at the time of their breeding season.
One of the best fliers is male wood cockroach. It has the ability to cover many miles upon detecting the scent of a female one. However, the female cockroach has reduced wings that only cover half of the abdomen and thus can’t fly.
Wood cockroaches tend to prefer outdoor lights. Males can assemble in areas where there are outdoor lights and then go inside whenever it gets dark or with the help of a female’s scent in your home already. The best thing is that most flying cockroaches are not found in many areas of Singapore.
Therefore, you do not have to worry about flying baby cockroaches. This is a common phenomenon among all insects with wings.
If you see wings on a cockroach, just know that it is an adult one. However, you can also be confused by some female adult cockroaches that do not have wings.
Its wings are held back covering the top of its body. Although its wings are fully developed, it doesn’t fly. You can differentiate between a female German cockroach and a male German cockroach by the wings.
On the other hand, females have shorter wings that leave the abdomen exposed. You can also encounter an Asian cockroach that is identical to the German cockroach but it is mostly attracted to light.
Both the female and male have large and developed wings. Just like its German counterpart, the male cockroach has larger wings that cover the tip of the abdomen and extend beyond. Despite the fact that these cockroaches can fly, they rarely fly inside buildings. You are most likely to find them flying at a low level especially in commercial buildings instead of their homes.
In fact, their female species do not have wings. She only possesses wing buds that are small and non-functional. It is hard to differentiate an oriental nymph cockroach and an adult female cockroach. The reason is that both are wingless and almost the same size. The male has wings although they are non-functional and very short.
– American cockroach: this is one of the most common species of cockroaches. It measures between 25 to 40mm in length. It is reddish-brown and shiny in color.
– Australian cockroach: This tropical cockroach is also very common. Adults measure 23 to 34mm in length. It resembles the American cockroach although its thorax has a yellow margin and it’s slightly smaller.
– Southern cockroach: these are black or dark brown in color. Southern cockroaches measure around 20 to 25mm long. The female has undeveloped wings. In males, more than half of the abdomen is covered by fully functional wings.
– Smoky brown cockroach: This is another flying cockroach. It is known for its habit of entering our houses and contaminating food with regurgitated salivary fluid, harmful bacteria, and excrement. It is shiny and dark brown in color, measuring 3 to 35mm in length.
For insects, cockroaches are quite large. This is one factor why there are not so many flying cockroaches. Their flight wings and large body mass are not conducive to maneuverability and speed. A slow and large flying insect tends to be easy prey for bats and birds. Therefore, even if there is a large group of roaches that can fly, they opt for running instead.
Although cockroaches can fly, they are much better at scurrying and running. They can cover the ground faster with their legs, as compared to flying. They also prefer moist and dark places to nest. Cockroaches have three legs extending from either part of the thorax. Each length varies in length from the other one.
Despite that, they carry out interrelated functions associated with running. As such, the roach can cover a distance of around 50 body lengths within one second. This is the reason why they prefer running instead of flying.
There are more than 4000 species of cockroaches. Among that group, a significant number of them can fly. Those that can fly have fully developed wings and tend to be lighter. Additionally, those that can fly mostly prefer outdoors.