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September 27, 2019What Are The Common Type Of Pest In Singapore?
September 27, 2019Pest Control Safety Tips For Pets
If you own a cat or dog (or any other household pet), you know how difficult it can be to get rid of pests such as mice, ants and other rodents. You cannot simply lay poisonous traps in the open, as this will put your pet at risk for injury and even death. From the interior to the exterior of your home, all pest control applications should be performed with safety in mind.
There are different types of chemicals available on the market that are geared towards pest elimination, but these are not always the best option for pet owners. For instance, while you can certainly spray your garden, yard or perimeter of your house with pesticides, you run the risk of having your pet accidentally ingest the product. When this happens, a costly trip to the vet will be in order.
Safe Ways to Eliminate and Prevent Pests
There a number of safe alternatives pet owners can utilize when presented with a pest problem. If ants are the culprit, you can spray a water-vinegar solution around the interior of your home. The pests will be deterred, and you won’t need to worry about your pet getting poisoned. Using vinegar is cost-effective and safe; remember to mix the solution with an equal amount of water. Sealing entry ways and keeping your home clean are the greatest deterrents; if you have a cat or dog, remember to groom them on a routine basis to prevent fleas.
Pest Control Safety Tips For Pets
Using pest control products requires safety precautions because these products can be quite toxic and harmful to humans, pets, and the environment as well. Is best to prevent further damage to your home and family’s health by taking action immediately. Keep in mind these pest control safety tips for pets when you’re using pest control products.
1. Use Non Chemical Pests Control
To reduce the risk in pest control in your pets, opt for non chemicals pesticides. These are known effective methods to eliminate pests of various kinds. For safety products from trusted and reputable brands that give you assurance that you’re not putting a lot of risk to yours family’s and the environment’s. While many non chemicals pesticides are effective, chemical products are know to be more effective in eradicating pest’s. It’s might be best to choose non chemical’s product’s first, and if doesn’t work, you can resort the chemical’s pesticides to take greater precautions.
2. Read Understand Labels Carefully
When handling toxic chemicals and substances, you must be able to read to understand the labels carefully. Directions must be followed by its strict limitations or restrictions. Otherwise, you are increasing the risks and posing harm to you, your family, and surroundings. In your aim to completely eradicate pests, you may tend to feel the need to increase the dose of pesticides on the affected areas. Never try this and simply follow what’s instructed on the label.
3. Gear Up
When chemicals come in contact with our skin, hair, eyes, and clothes, this may have severe effects on our health. Make sure that you have a constant protective gear like gloves, long-sleeved shirts, pants, and eye protection. Try not to improvise and just get the right protective gear for the task. After using the pesticide, make sure you discard or wash the gears thoroughly, properly, and immediately, then take a hot bath to rinse off possible chemicals that have come in contact with your body.
4. Keep Away from Children
When administering the pesticide, make sure you don’t get the chemicals on toys, food, utensils, and other items that adults, children (and even pets) normally use and play with. Remove anything that is used for eating to reduce the possible health risks. Also, store pesticides in closets or storage areas that are away from children, like a locked garden shed or garage storage cabinet. Make sure you also discard or store used pest control products properly, following government health regulations and label instructions. Any opened pesticide must be sealed and secured in tight containers or sealable plastic bags for safety purposes.
5. Using Chemicals the Right Way
If you do need to use chemicals, make sure to buy a product that is tamper-resistant. Instead of using blocks of poison to get rid of mice or rats, a safer option would be to buy bait boxes. The latter is specially designed to prevent pets from being harmed. Besides, if you plan on spraying chemicals, make sure you follow the manufacturer stated application rate. Pesticides are lethal and should never be overused.
6. Be Prepared with Emergency Contact Numbers
In the case of an emergency like pesticides coming in contact with the eyes and skin or anyone in the family accidentally swallowing or being exposed to chemicals, make sure you have a first-aid kit and emergency contact numbers on hand. This will help you take right action immediately and prevent worst case scenarios.
7. Get Professional Pest Control Service
It is always recommended that you hire a professional pest control service to handle the task expertly. This will help prevent risks and make sure you eliminate the problematic pests in the best and safest manner possible. The convenience, as well as peace of mind, is well worth the cost.
Pets and Pest Control Services
If the pest problem is extensive, you will need to hire a professional pest control company. These companies will spray your entire home during the extermination process, so make sure you have a place to keep your animals in the meantime. You can take them with you when you leave or pay to have them temporarily boarded. If you have fish, remember to cover the tank with a towel to prevent airborne chemicals from reaching the water. Ultimately, you will need to wait until the pesticides have adequately dried before letting your pets back inside.
When you call a pest control company, you can rest easy knowing that you and your family will be protected from infestations for months at a time. You won’t have to waste money on harmful chemicals, and you’ll get quality, guaranteed service that will protect your pets from pests.